
The garden

Our garden: tasty and healthy vegetables.
Find our products on jardindetoury.fr

Our garden: tasty and healthy vegetables

The Domain of Toury produces vegetables according to traditional and natural agriculture principles on 3 ha. All the vegetables are cultivated in open fields and watered as little as possible using only organic fertilisers such as compost. Absolutely no chemical products, insecticide, fungicide or fertilisers are used. The hundreds of varieties of vegetables we cultivate at the Domain of Toury have been carefully selected for their taste rather than productivity.

Our clients are chefs looking for excellent produce and we are committed to provide them with vegetables of superior taste and quality and spark their interest and creativity by offering new varieties each season. 

We cultivate over two hundred varieties of vegetables, each year we put new varieties to the test and only keep the ones we deem superior. We have selected the “Zephyr” courgette for example for its refined sweet taste and very few pips. The green pea “Kel merveille” has an extraordinary taste and grows well with our soil. We also have many aromatic herbs including forgotten breeds like Anised Marigold and Borage, or five different varieties of basil. All the vegetables of Domain of Toury are for sale at Le Delas, in the whole sale food market of Rungis in Paris.